Nine partners from seven countries are
collaborating on since December 2012.

Eŭropa Esperanto-Unio
Brussels, Belgium
The EEU is a European umbrella organisation of national Esperanto associations in the EU coordinating their work at the European level. The EEU aims to strengthen a sense of European identity among EU citizens, in harmony with national and regional identities; promote linguistic human rights and linguistic diversity in the European Union as well as improve language learning in general.

Studio GAUS
Berlin, Germany
The New Media Agency has experience in the development of multilingual portals at all key stages from concept development, corporate identity, website design to the coordination of these activities, as well as programming and running projects. The main focus lies in the areas of education and e-learning.

Partizánske, Slovakia
The international organisation E@I supports intercultural learning on the internet. In collaboration with other organisations it works on different multilingual websites, dealing mainly with e-learning and education, e.g. lernu!,,, etc. E@I also organises various training initiatives, especially in the areas of languages and new technologies.

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza
Poznań, Poland
Adam Mickiewicz University, one of Poland's largest, is home to the Post-Graduate Program in Interlinguistic Studies, the world's only university level degree program devoted to interlinguistics and esperantology with students and professors from over 20 countries. The program is part of the Institute of Linguistics in the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures.

Syddansk Universitet
Odense, Denmark
The Institute of Language and Communication (ISK) is a cross-language institute at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). In cooperation with GrammarSoft ApS, the ISK's VISL section develops advanced language technology tools and ressources, such as language analyzers, translation systems and grammar teaching tools, as well as large annotated corpora for many languages.

Jazykovedný ústav Ľudovíta Štúra
Bratislava, Slovakia
The Slovak National Corpus Department of Ľ. Štúr Institute of Linguistics primarily carries out research in the field of corpus linguistics. The department focuses on building electronic resources of the Slovak language - parallel, written, spoken, historical and other corpora. The SNK has participated in international projects such as CESAR,, EuroMatrixPlus, NetWordS and several others.

Društvo za evropsko zavest
Maribor, Slovenia
The Slovene association Društvo za evropsko zavest aims at developing and promoting European awareness and strengthening a sense of European identity among EU citizens in harmony with national and regional identities. DEZ collaborates with other European organisations on projects dealing with European citizenship and identity as well as the promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity in the European Union.

Rusų kultūros centras
Vilnius, Lithuania
The RKC ( Russian Cultural Center) is a public organisation established in 1988 to preserve the national diversity of Lithuania and stimulate dialogue between ethnic groups. For more than 20 years it has actively participated in various cultural and educational projects. RKC has organised international events, seminars and creative workshops related to cultural diversity.

Visetas, UAB
Kaunas, Lithuania
Visetas is an integrated communication and public relations company, experienced in B2B sector communication, and the dissemination of non-profit projects and initiatives both locally and internationally. It is a member of TAAN Worldwide (Transworld Advertising Agency Network).

“The best teamwork comes from men who are working independently toward one goal in unison.”